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Finding Peace Within

Lessons on Healing Yourself and Creating a More Compassionate World

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Lesson 10: Seek Power in Surrender

(Today, we begin once a week lessons. For daily prompts and examples, join in the conversation on Instagram @wholicityhealing or Facebook. Links at top and bottom of web page.)

Surrender. What does that word conjure for you? Does it mean quitting or giving up? If you surrender, does that mean you have lost?

To surrender is the powerful act of tearing down all the barriers you have created in your beliefs; barriers that block your spirit and your body from receiving the highest possibilities that life has to offer.

Surrendering your limitations, your judgements, your fear-based emotions is the path to a higher spiritual and energetic transformation. Let go of the tight-fisted control you’ve become accustomed to and place your heart and your desires in the flow of joy, love, compassion and gratitude. Imagine what will flow back to you when you let go.

The power that comes from surrender is beyond anything you can create on your own, with your limited beliefs, your physical abilities, or your current network of power. Loosen your desire to control your life and the lives of the people around you. Feel the possibility that someone else may have a decision, a belief or a message that will benefit you more than your way of doing things.

Surrendering does not mean that you give up your power. Surrendering your old way of thinking and doing allows the power of yourself to merge with that higher power of infinite possibilities. Allow every possibility to be available to you.

Affirmation: Look in the mirror. Look at the person you think you have always known. Surrender the idea that this is who you are. Surrender the thought that you can only be the reflection in this mirror. Surrender the belief that healing, or salvation, or happiness exists only in one specific way. Let go of limited power to receive infinite power.


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