Healing is a Decision

It seems simple enough to be grateful for all that is good in your life. When we are worried or sick, we are less likely to give thanks for anything. Part of the decision to heal is the decision to shift your attitude away from fear, disappointment and anger to a place of peaceful, gracious awareness.
What is your first thought upon awakening? Are you grateful for the bed, the blankets, the roof over your head? Or is your first thought about how tired you are, or how you hate mornings? Do you dread going to work or school or another doctor’s appointment, or maybe you indulge in a physical inventory of all your aches and pains?
Choose a different thought. Use your journal to write what you are aware of that is necessary and beneficial. Every day. Identify at least three things or people you are grateful for every day. Include simple things like food, your eyesight, a kind person who held the door for you, the ability to walk or talk, the shade of a tree, or a drink of clean water. Look around your life for the goodness that has gotten lost in your illness.
The first step in healing a physical illness is healing the mental sickness in your thoughts. Decide to be thankful instead of fearful. The practice of acknowledging your blessings – or whatever word you use for something that shows up for your benefit – sparks a fire of more and greater blessings with each new day.
Affirmation: Because I choose the path of healing, I also choose to live in gratitude for all that comes into my life. I choose to acknowledge the good things that make my life better, and to honor the challenges and setbacks as necessary steps in my growth.